I’ve been messing with the theme/blog engine/ general layout of my blog with the intenst to actually write more. However I’ve been putting it off due to a variety of reasons - too busy packing, I have nothing important to say, no one reads my blog etc.
Oddly, one reason I didn’t feel obligated to write was that I felt like I didn’t need to blog to impress anyone anymore. If I’m honest, this blog was partially created because I was a inexperienced freshman trying to create a stronger online precense and to assert that I knew enough and was passionate enough to garner an internship. After that happened (and I had a lovely time at Weebly ), my blog post writing slowed considerably. I began to appreciate blogging as a way to share thoughts, but after getting internships this winter/ summer (which will be my last internships before graduating), writing fell off my priority list.
This changed yesterday. Recently, a friend told me that my SFTP sublime text post was actually being read by classmates on piazza! I was both estatic and horrified! (lolol my writing tone was/is… yeah.) However, I was really glad that people thought my guide was useful!
And so, I think I’ll return to blogging. However I want to change the reason/type of posts I write. Instead of writing mosts posts of code I write (and really kinda bragging I guess), I want to focus on writing helpful posts for students like me. I also want to write more reflective posts (ex about my classes, internships etc.)
I realize that I’ve learned/changed/grown a lot in the last year - and I want to share what I’ve learned. Last year, my most long-term goal was getting an internship - it didn’t really matter what. Now, I’ve been lucky enough to be able to work at a growing YC startup and two tech giants ( not yet- but this winter and summer). The journey of doing that in itself was pretty interesting, and I’ve definitely learned a lot about working, career fair-ing etc - though that’s for another day! (Remember - don’t sell yourself short!)
I realize that there’s much much more to come, and that’s there’s much more to obtainig internships and trying to secure a career. And I hope to write about that too. I haven’t really thought about long terms plans (too worries about maintining GPA, getting sleep, finding a job etc.), and I hope writing about it can help me think.